Lab News

Using eDNA for Penobscot River recovery

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Check out the latest UMaine press release about our research collaboration with Maine Sea Grant, NOAA, and Maine DMR to improve our understanding of river herring recovery in the Penobscot River.  Funded by the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund, this research explores environmental DNA (eDNA) as a complementary survey tool to existing hydroacoustic surveys of fish in the Penobscot River Estuary.  Julia Sunnarborg, a PhD candidate in the Cammen Lab, is leading this research in close collaboration with Justin Stevens at Maine Sea Grant.

A photo of a person taking a water sample

Photo courtesy of Maine Sea Grant

Seal research featured on Maine Public Television

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Maine Public’s new outdoor series, Borealisrecently featured a visit to the Cammen Lab to talk with Kristina, Christina, and Julia about their seal research.  Our research stories were complemented by video footage from the Marine Mammals of Maine rehabilitation facility during pup season.  Check it out to learn more about the work we do at UMaine and with our collaborators in the stranding network!

New Graduate Training Program in Ecosystem Science

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We are excited to announce a new NSF funded National Research Traineeship (NRT) program in Ecosystem Science! This new graduate training program represents a collaboration across multiple disciplines, including marine sciences, anthropology, computer sciences, and Native American studies.  Over the next five years, this new program will train at least 45 master’s and doctoral studies in a convergent approach to ecosystem science, which emphasizes new ways of understanding and creating data, knowledge, and tools to enable ecosystem-based approaches in marine systems.  The Cammen Lab is excited to be part of this new program and anticipates recruiting 1-2 graduate students in Fall 2025.  Check out the website to learn more about the new program and the other faculty who are involved.

Our National Research Traineeship is made possible by the generous support of the National Science Foundation (# 2244117).